Welcome to the Strategic Planning, Quality and Risk Management Centre (SQRC), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) website. SQRC operates with three (3) main functions, namely are Planning and Management of Strategic Project, Quality Management, and Information Systems & Risk Management. Planning and Management of Strategic Project involves several key tasks including development, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the university's strategic plan. As a result of the implementation of UNIMAS Strategic Plan, many achievements and impacts have been attained, not only at the national level but also at the international level. The joint efforts from all UNIMAS parties regardless of the levels have proved the importance of a higher education institution to have strategic thinking in ensuring that every idea and action is implemented strategically to give national and global impacts. Recognizing the importance of strategic planning in driving a national higher education institution, UNIMAS has developed and produced a second Strategic Plan for the year 2021 to 2025.
Under the task of Planning and Management of Strategic Project, SQRC also involves in monitoring the implementation of the Vice Chancellor's Annual Mandate as well as the Sumbangsaran MDekan (Dean's Consultation). As for the rating and information management system, SQRC is responsible for strategizing and monitoring of UNIMAS involvement in the ranking and rating system at both the national and global levels. Amongst the national level are SETARA, MyMoheS, Ministry Performance Indicator (MPI), Outcome Base Budgeting (OBB), whereas at the global level are Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking, THE Impact Ranking, THE Awards Asia, THE Asia University Ranking, QS World University Ranking, QS Asia University Ranking and QS Stars Rating. Too, under information management system, SQRC involves in monitoring actions related to UNIMAS Support, which is UNIMAS integrated grievances system. As for the quality management function, SQRC associates in strategizing as a secretariat and monitors matters related to Quality Management System (QMS), Information Security Management System (ISMS), and Lab Accreditation. Therewithal, as for the risk management function, SQRC plays the role in strategies and as a secretariat and monitors risk-related matters at UNIMAS through the Risk Management Committee (JKPR) platform. The SPEED system was developed in-house by SQRC in collaboration with The Centre for Information Technology Development & Services (CITDS) and it is used as a platform in planning, management, monitoring and reporting of matters related to the three (3) main functions of SQRC.

"Strategic planning will help you fully uncover your available options, set priorities for them, and define the method to achieve them -Robert J. Mckain"
Professor Gs. Dr Tarmiji Masron
Strategic Planning, Quality Management and Risk Centre, UNIMAS