UNIMAS has formulated and intends to implement this Policy on Equality and Protection for UNIMAS Citizens In Terms Of Gender, Religion; Race and Age to guarantee and ensure quality education, provided by UNIMAS can be achieved and enjoyed by all levels of society, without any restrictions and obstacles. In line with this mission, UNIMAS is committed to generating, disseminating and applying knowledge strategically and innovatively to strengthen the cultural quality of the nation and the prosperity of its society.
UNIMAS has formulated and intends to implement this Policy on Equality and Protection for UNIMAS Citizens In Terms Of Gender, Religion; Race and Age to guarantee and ensure quality education, provided by UNIMAS can be achieved and enjoyed by all levels of society, without any restrictions and obstacles. In line with this mission, UNIMAS is committed to generating, disseminating and applying knowledge strategically and innovatively to strengthen the cultural quality of the nation and the prosperity of its society.
The equal rights and protections granted to UNIMAS citizens include the rights and protections from any form of discrimination or prejudice against citizens solely on the grounds of religion, race, descent, place of birth, residence or gender in any law or in an appointment to any office or occupation, profession, career under a public authority unless it is permitted in the Federal Constitution of 1957.
UNIMAS does not adopt a policy of discrimination where all rules, policies, and policies adopted have the value of equality that maintains the concept of "Natural Justice" which is the right to be heard (right to be heard) and protection from bias (rules against bias) which includes protection in the aspects of safety, welfare, justice in terms of imposing punishment commensurate with the offense on the perpetrator and others.
UNIMAS has established several Committees and Responsibility Center entities that are directly involved in realizing, monitoring and assisting in ensuring and providing enlightenment on a Federal Government policy can be implemented more effectively. Committees and Responsibility Centers have been established and entrusted to implement the Equality Policy at UNIMAS which provides emphasis and priority in matters of governance and governance of the University, i.e. in terms of academic and administrative.
7.3 Between the Committee and the Responsibility Centers involved are;
a. Committees
- Executive Committee (JKE);
- Academic Planning and Development Committee (JPPA);
- Council of Deans (MDekan); and
- Committees at the Faculty level that offer teaching services and learning.
- Registrar Office;
- BPPS; and
- CGS.
UNIMAS has restructured the Center of Responsibility with the establishment of the UNIMAS Integrity Division which was approved in the 67th Executive Committee Meeting No. 03/2021 on 26 March 2021 and it is placed under the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor administratively.
The purpose of the establishment of the UNIMAS Integrity Division is:
Coordinate, and report on the National Integrity Plan (PIN) at the level of UNIMAS and the Ministry of Higher Education
Monitor and implement integrity practices in each PTj
Work with local authorities (MACC) to ensure the implementation of integrity in the organization
Prepare policies, procedures, books or reference materials for the practice of each PTj
Organize activities, training, courses related to the application of integrity in daily activities
To ensure that the culture of integrity practices is inculcated among UNIMAS citizens
The Centre of Disability Studies (CoDS) was established in May 2011 and is anchored at the Faculty of Social Sciences. CoDS serves as a platform for academics, practitioners, disabled persons’ organisations and civil society to advance research, practice and education on disability studies and being the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The objective of establishment of this centre is to provide leadership and support for a range of programmes on research, education and practice related to different areas of disabilities and different issues on disability including disability and human rights, social and cultural participation, community engagement and inclusive education. Share resources within UNIMAS and with other universities, educational institutions, service organizations and civil society groups nationally and internationally on research and practice related to disability. Conduct inclusive research which generates knowledge of people’s experiences of disability and develops collaborative effort to address marginalisation, stigma and the removal of other barriers that prevent full participation of PWD. Inform service and policy development through creating forums which empower and enable people with different abilities to come together to create an inclusive society. Create extensive networks and partnerships with various institutions and agencies to promote practice, research and policy that contribute towards a disability-sensitive society. Provide an advisory service to UNIMAS on creating a user-friendly environment for students and staff with disabilities.
There are many special facilities provided by UNIMAS to this group of people with disabilities especially involving the facilities around UNIMAS. Among them are parking lots, toilets, elevators and special paths for people with disabilities. UNIMAS through the Student Counseling & Welfare Unit also coordinates and implements consultation and management related to the affairs of students with Disabilities (OKU) to improve the best functionality and potential.
Residential college policy facilities in universities in Malaysia refer to the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971.
Equality and Protection Policy for UNIMAS citizens in terms of gender, gender, race and age
Equality Policy in Enjoying Quality Education at UNIMAS
Sexual Harrasment Policy