6.4  Water reuse
6.4.2  Water reuse measurement

Measure the reuse of water across the university?
The UNIMAS GHG Inventory Dashboard (UGID) is a data visualization tool highlighting greenhouse gas emissions generated by the UNIMAS Campus Community. UGID was created by ISURE to gain insights and to engage the UNIMAS Community in taking-action on climate change and improving UNIMAS’ Carbon Footprint. The GHG Dashboard allows for beyond borders interactive data exploration and spatial data views.Covers direct emissions, or emissions that are caused by the appliances, amenities, facilities, and other infrastructure our campus owns and controls.
This roadmap ensures that we are on track to achieve low carbon campus status by laying out actionable goals towards decarbonisation. To monitor our performance, we will establish and continuously update a comprehensive greenhouse gases inventory. The inventory is supplemented with our 4SEE mobile application that our campus community will use to measure their personal carbon footprint. Enhanced by records of both campus-wide and personal carbon footprints, this inventory will track consistent improvements in our carbon footprint as we achieve our decarbonisation milestones.We also seek to dynamically respond to the changing landscape of climate solutions as new knowledge and technologies come to light. Thus, yearly reviews are key to the success of our low carbon campus journey. Yearly reviews allow us to assess our progress, pursue promising avenues, and ensure the effectivity of our roadmap. (Refer page 39)